A game show host, sometimes clad in a light blue three-piece suit studded with a chunky nametag, adeptly leads contestants through multiple games as part of The Game Show Experience. Read more at Community Impact by clicking here!
A game show host, sometimes clad in a light blue three-piece suit studded with a chunky nametag, adeptly leads contestants through multiple games as part of The Game Show Experience. Read more at Community Impact by clicking here!
Monday – Sunday
10:00am – 10:00pm
Parking: There is a lot going on with Rail District improvements! CLICK HERE for updated parking areas. Plan on giving yourselves an extra 10 minutes for parking due to construction.
The Game Show Experience is cradle in between many local downtown Frisco businesses that provide countless dining and recreation options. This creates for an excellent pairing for a game show matched up with a meal and or a coffee.